Next Steps

We are here for you! Wherever you are, take One Step!

One Step is a culture of movement. It is our response to the call of God to live on mission for the kingdom—for His glory, our good and the good of the world around us. Membership class is uniquely designed to provide access to on board your journey with exploring what's next. Is God speaking to your heart about what you need to do next to move forward?

We encourage you to continue your journey of taking your one step! Allow us to walk with you! What’s your one step?


The experience of water baptism is one of the most treasured times in any believer’s life. It’s a public celebration of your decision to follow Jesus Christ and honor Him as Lord and Savior of your life. Dive deeper in your faith!


Forward is a transformational course built on essential biblical principles to help you take your relationship with Jesus to the next level. You’ll walk away with the foundation laid to hear God’s voice more clearly and empowered to lead the life He created you to live. We are all called to move forward. Let’s go!


We want to ensure that you feel supported and equipped as a leader! Allow us to walk alongside you as you empower and help others discover how to use their gifts and talents for God’s glory. Get connected and lead well!


Biblical community is at the heart of Victory. This is why we gather small. Small Groups give us the opportunity to connect on a more intimate level with other believers and those growing in their faith. We were not made to walk through life alone. Join or lead a small group!


You are uniquely equipped with gifts and strengths that can be used to change lives in the church and community! Serving is the perfect opportunity to grow and connect with others, discover your ministry passions, and see lives transformed.

Take your journey further with one step at

Emancipating Greatness

You were made for something great!

You were made for something great. Yes, YOU. God is leading us on a new journey as we launch into 2021, and we want to invite you to come along with us! God created you in His own image to reflect His glory in the earth. Before He knit you together in your mother’s womb, He had God-sized plans for your life. We’re rediscovering what it means to freely and boldly live in the unique purpose He placed on us from the very beginning. Something great is calling … will you answer?

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